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Da One

(2087)【金碧輝煌】超柔絲無痕蕾絲軟鋼圈胸圍 [The Ultimate] Super soft Silky seamless lace underwired bra

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-內裡罩杯使用絲質物料,柔軟舒適 -側邊加高剪裁,腋位及背部包覆性高,防止副乳形成。 -側翼使用雙重網紗布,無痕輕薄,貼身舒服 -輕盈軟性鋼圈,更舒適自在,提供同樣承托但更安心。 -細膩的花型圖案蕾絲,甜美迷人 Products Features: - The inner cup is made out of silk material, thus making it soft and comfortable - Higher coverage around the armpit and back area prevents the formation of lumps around the breast area - Dual mesh around the sides gives a more thin and pleasant fit - Using light and pulpy rings makes it more secure yet still at ease to wear them - Intricate and delicate floral lace pattern was used to overall make the product more feminine and sweet
