Da One

(QM8620) 發熱纖維童裝長袖保暖衣 Children Ultra Warm Thermostatic Top





優質棉發熱纖維童裝保暖衣長袖 - 採用優質棉、保暖纖維、氨綸等獨特材料製成 - 纖維之間的空氣層,能吸收人體蒸發的熱量,轉化成熱能,發揮良好隔熱效果,防止熱量散失 - 超暖、輕薄透氣的穿著體驗,具伸縮性,防靜電、防敏感 Children Extra warm thermostatic heat fabric thermal top - Made of unique material composed of high-quality cotton, viscose, warm fiber, and spandex; - Provides the best super warm, light, air permeable wearing experience. - The thermostatic heat fabric absorbs evaporated heat from the human body and converts it into heat energy to keep warm. - It offers the user great experience in chill weather environment by offers you ultra warmth, comfort and style. 成份:Acrylic 30%,Viscose30%,Cotton 37%,Spandex 3%

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